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Multisensory Design Group

Product Experience Research

Exploring design processes and methodologies to assist product designers to create a complete range of characteristics that stimulate each sensory modality in the user.

We invite designers and users alike to join in a lively discussion of our newly discovered paradigm of "Sensory Modal Switching" as the mechanism that people use to explore the sensory aspects of a design and create a Multisensory Response Pattern.

Focusing on the definition of the design message, has led to a unique discovery regarding the way in which stakeholders experience products. In our first discussion paper we present multisensory processing, layering in memory and sensory modal switching as the essential processes involved in multisensory perception.

Our new approach is receiving keen interest and will ensure a greater understanding of why and how designers should deliver a more complete design message. The resulting augmented sensory experience will lead to richer stakeholder memory.

The discussion paper has been revised to improve its accuracy and we invite you to read it in your preferred format:
Sensory Modal Switching - Discussion Paper Online (HTML format)
Sensory Modal Switching - Discussion Paper (PDF format)
Sensory Modal Switching - Discussion Paper in audio (MP3 format)


MSD is currently under research and development.

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